Monday, January 30, 2017

Week 2A


  • Record gmail address
  • Discuss high school visits
    • Form some teams
  • Students present homework / event website subject matters
    • 3 present to class, rest voted on
  • Begin homework
For our event websites, 1 student per row in the class volunteered to present some websites they found to redesign.

(Dark Red - Sites that people noticed the most)

1) Row 1: Dollars for Scholars, Groundhog Wine Trail, Something to Crow About
2) Row 2: Easton Heritage Day, Plainfield Farmers' Fair, Pocono Raceway, Easton Garlic Fest 2016, Musik Fest
3) Row 3: Cumberland Valley Mini-THON, Pennsylvania Farm Show, Scarlet Caps, TNT Showcase
4) Row 4: Craft Beer Bottle Shop & Flatbread Pizza Cafe, Fe-Brew-Ary 2016, Lancaster International Short Film Festival, Lancaster Liederkranz, USA Science & Engineering Festival

Homework for Monday, February 6th, 2017:

  • Review chosen event site (post all info. to blog) 
    • Call them and ask
      • Who uses their website and why?
      • What is the main reason for the website?
      • If they could change or add anything, what would it be?
  • Create 2 persona (1 primary and 1 secondary) for the website redesign
    • Digital design it well
  • Write down objectives for website redesign (500 words)
  • Read Chap. 3: The Flexible Images
  • Don't forget that you need to attend two speakers Wednesday, February 1st, 2017. (300 words per speaker on blog)
Design Objectives:
"Design objectives are similar to business objectives. With business objectives, you normally create a bulleted list of things that you want the website to achieve. With design objectives, your list includes messages and emotions you want to communicate." Credit: Paul Boag

We rotated around the classroom and voted for 1 out of 5 websites for each student that would be best to redesign. 

And the votes are in! The winner is Pennsylvania Firefly Festival, with 8 votes. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Week 1B

We reviewed Chapter 1: Our Responsive Web.

We discussed the three ingredients in responsive web design: 
1) A flexible, grid-based layout
2) Flexible images and media
3) Media queries, module from the CSS3 specification

Two videos were watched in class:
1) Introducing Responsive Web Design
2) Ethan Marcotte

The first project was introduced and we had a chance to do some research to find poorly designed websites. Here is my list of "poorly designed websites". (Warning: Some of them are pretty bad):

PA Events -

  1. The 2017 PHS Philadelphia Flower Show -
  2. Philly Wine Week -

NY Events -

  1. Lake George Winter Carnival -
  2. 2017 Cattaraugus County Fair -

  3. 4th Annual Mother's Day Craft Fair -

The event website must be: 
- Hand-coded in a text editor (Sublime or Komodo Edit)
- 3 pages or more
- Size: Width: Desktop Resolution, max width 1024 or 1280 x 1024, Mobile as needed
- Color: RGB
- Code: Must be a responsive website
- Type: Must use web fonts / must be web safe

My choices:
1) Sherman Winter Craftfest -
2) PA Firefly Festival -
3) Clarion County Fair -
4) The 2017 PHS Philadelphia Flower Show -
5) Art in the Wilds -

Monday, January 23, 2017

Week 1A

Today was the first day of Advanced Web Design. The syllabus was discussed, I created a blogger account (which is needed for class), and filled out a Student Form with skills, strengths, and weaknesses. Our first homework assignment was given early today: Create a blogger and record URL on Google Docs (check), and to read Responsive-web-design, 2e.pdf. The sections we have to read are the Introducton and Ch. 1: Our Responsive Web, pages 1-16.