Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Week 1B

We reviewed Chapter 1: Our Responsive Web.

We discussed the three ingredients in responsive web design: 
1) A flexible, grid-based layout
2) Flexible images and media
3) Media queries, module from the CSS3 specification

Two videos were watched in class:
1) Introducing Responsive Web Design
2) Ethan Marcotte

The first project was introduced and we had a chance to do some research to find poorly designed websites. Here is my list of "poorly designed websites". (Warning: Some of them are pretty bad):

PA Events -

  1. The 2017 PHS Philadelphia Flower Show -
  2. Philly Wine Week -

NY Events -

  1. Lake George Winter Carnival -
  2. 2017 Cattaraugus County Fair -

  3. 4th Annual Mother's Day Craft Fair -

The event website must be: 
- Hand-coded in a text editor (Sublime or Komodo Edit)
- 3 pages or more
- Size: Width: Desktop Resolution, max width 1024 or 1280 x 1024, Mobile as needed
- Color: RGB
- Code: Must be a responsive website
- Type: Must use web fonts / must be web safe

My choices:
1) Sherman Winter Craftfest -
2) PA Firefly Festival -
3) Clarion County Fair -
4) The 2017 PHS Philadelphia Flower Show -
5) Art in the Wilds -

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