Monday, February 27, 2017

Week 6A

Today, our Homepage for our website was due, plus the format of our second page.

This is my homepage. I'm pleased with how it is turning out. Plus, it's responsive! 

I'm excited that I learned how to make a website responsive. At HACC, we had to figure that out on our own. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Week 5B

Sketches were due today in class. Unfortuntely, mine were still in the "wireframes stage."
But after a quick redo, I came up with these:

The Home Page

The Festivals Page

Monday, February 20, 2017

Week 5A

In Class

Today in class, we are starting with a Grid Demo.


For some reason, I can't sit still. Coding makes me very excited. Especially since we are going into detail about responsive web and grid layout. This is something I had to try and figure out on my own at HACC.

Fun fact:  clearfix was created by Nicolas Gallagher.

Here's some photos of what our code looks like:

And after a few edits, and adding content to our HTML, here is what it is supposed to look like:

And here's what it looks like responsive:

Helpful sites:
How to Integrate a Navigation into your site:

So after adding the code in order from here, we now have a responsive top navigation! Here are some photos:

And responsive for mobile with the hamburger menu:

Monday, February 6, 2017

Week 3A

Photos of PA Firefly Festival's Website


2016 Festival





Contact Us

Phone Call

- No one answered, so I went on their website and sent an email to them.
Today, February 6th:
I have not heard back from them via email. I think they are most active around the time of the event.

2 Design Personas - 1 Primary and 1 Secondary
(made up names)

Jordan Anderson

Age: 36
Occupation: Owner / Director of PA Firefly Festival
Location: Tionesta, PA


  • Find new ideas to make the festival better every year
  • Attract more people to the event
  • Get more people to volunteer

Christopher Miller

Age: 30
Occupation: Assistant Director of PA Firefly Festival
Location: Tionesta, PA


  • Festival runs smoothly every year
  • People complete tasks on time and efficiently 

Design Objectives 
  • Website has a family / friendly feel to it
  • Website makes you feel like you're at the event
  • Website is for all ages

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Day of Design

Day of Design
9:15am | 12:15pm | 3:15pm

9:15am - Alexander Reyna, Creative Director of Major League Baseball

The first speaker for the Day of Design event was Alexander Reyna. He's the Creative Director of Major League Baseball. He describes himself as a "cabinet maker" which is a blend of artistry and craft. 
He has been working in design for 25 years. Four of those years have been for Major League Baseball. He does everything except game design and is 100% self-taught.

A short list of what he does:

  • Making Stuff
  • Tinkering
  • Motion - intersection of all these different forms of design
  • Interactivity / UX / UI / Experience and more
  • Product Design
Make The Future
He made something with Real Time 3D visualization that allowed people to have more engagement with baseball. (seeing where the ball goes, speed of the throw and hit, etc.) 
People have great ideas but they are too afraid to create them. You need an Idea and Willpower, which is creating something out of nothing. 

His Process
  • Are they using it on the couch or on the subway? 
    • Thngs like this are important because it effects the design

  • Collaboration and feedback is key
  • We iterate solutions until they delight the user
  • They buy it when they feel they are a part of the solution
Honesty Is Obvious
  • UX does not hide the truth
  • Avoid the dark patterns (
L.A. Fitness - If you want to cancel your membership, you can't do it online. 

Create Delight
Make products that work "right" and surprise the user

Something He Learned
  • New form factors require new ways to interact

12:15pm - George Hakim, Creative Project Manager of Toyota North America

The second speaker for the Day of Design event was George Hakim. He's the Creative Project Manager of Toyota North America. He background was mainly in Graphic Design.

Engineering The Art of Storytelling
Safety Commitment: Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
  • Stories convey experience and wisdom
  • Stories excite sympathetic reactions
Expanding Audience
Over the years, storytelling's audience has expanded to:
  • Books
  • Radio
  • Film
  • Video Games - Interactive / you being part of the journey
  • Music Videos
  • Internet
  • Videos that go viral 
  • iPhones / smartphones
  • Social media
At Toyota, they use Virtual Reality as Storytelling for training purposes. 

The Golden Circle
Simon Sinek

  • People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it.
  • Do business with people who believe what you believe.
  • Talk to people from the inside out, because that influences action, that's where gut feelings come from.
Ask Why 5 Times
    Root Cause         Pay Attention to the Big Picture        Explain it to a Nontechnical Person
What's the problem?                                    HOSHIN                                                                                   MUDA

Learn The History
Genchi Genbutsu - Go to the source

Know Your Audience
Toyota's Mentality: Customer FIRST

Plan, Do, Check, Act

(define / plan) → → →  Create (do)
                         Empathy                ↓  
                     (customer first)           
Refine (act) ← ← ← ← ← ←  Test (check)  

*People retain 58% more information when both visual and auditory senses are stimulated.

More Meanings 

KAIZEN - continuous improvement
MIERUKA - visualization

Key Points 

  • Root Cause - Why
  • Mieruka - visual storytelling
  • Kaizen - continuous improvement
Kiki / Bouba Effect

  • We can match names with objects.

  1. Travel - helps with visual communication, global experience
  2. Don't be afraid to take a job where the experience intimidates you