Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Week 9B

In Class

Today in class, we were introduced to Axure. Axure is a software that helps with wireframing, rapid prototyping, documentation and specification. 

Axure: supports prototyping Rich Internet Applications by mapping desired interface behaviors (such as displaying or hiding an element) in response to actions like mouse clicks or touch gestures.

Axure RP: generates HTML websites and Microsoft Word documents as output. 

The Axure RP Pro application window is divided into 7 main areas:
  • sitemap - a hierarchical list of pages
  • widgets
  • masters (templates, or reusable collections of widgets)
  • design area
  • page notes and interactions
  • widget annotations and interactions
  • widget manager - a list of all elements on the page
Widgets available include:
  • wireframe: image, text panel, hyperlink, rectangle, table, line (horizontal/vertical), menu (horizontal/vertical), tree
  • form controls: button (various shapes, including tab buttons), text field, text area, drop-down list, list box, checkbox, radio button
  • placeholder, inline frame, dynamic panel (used to achieve interactivity)
Users create custom controls by combining existing widgets and assigning actions in response to events such as OnClick, OnMouseOver and OnMouseOut or touch gestures like pinch and swipe. For example, interface panels can have a number of states, each being activated by clicking on an element such as a tab button, list-box item, or action button.
Read more about Axure by clicking here.

Meeting with Professor Pannafino
In class, I had a individual meeting with Professor Pannafino. He looked over my visual inventory, and said that I definitely did the work, and that I'm really close. He said I need to reference the visual inventory sample here and make changes to mine. 

In Class: Website Personas
In class after my meeting, I decided to use Axure to create two web personas for The Bunny People, the nonprofit organization I chose. Here are the results:

Monday, March 27, 2017

Week 9A

Today in class, we were able to work on our visual inventories and we had individual meetings with Professor Pannafino. I did not go today, since we ran out of time, so I continued to edit and work on my visual inventory for The Bunny People.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Week 8 Outside of Class

Visual Inventory

For next class: Create a persona in detail for next class, what you can do in two days. Make it digital.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Week 8B

The Bunny People

For today's class, we were supposed to call one of the nonprofit organizations we chose. I chose The Bunny People in Harrisburg, PA. I tried calling them to no answer, but I did shoot them an email. I remember visiting The Bunny People last year because I thought it was a place where you could just adopt bunnies. Turns out, you have to schedule an appointment. They have a lot of bunnies. What I did not know until now was that they are rescue rabbits.

Here are some screenshots of their website + other sites:


So yeah...both sites need major help, and the last link is their Facebook page, which they keep updated. Luckily for me, I gathered some inspiration for a possible redo:

1) Site Inspo from WIX:

Site Inspo from 

Monday, March 20, 2017

Week 8A

Class has resumed after Spring Break. We had a mentorship visit upstairs at 9:20AM, then came back to an introduction to our next project.

Our next project has to be a nonprofit organization. It has to be 3 pages if you are working on your own, and 5 pages if you are working in groups. I decided to work alone on this project.
After the project was explained to us, we had time to research nonprofit organizations with poorly designed websites. We will pick one website to redesign. The organization cannot be familiar or widely known.
Here is a list of the nonprofits I found so far (some are not local): 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Week 7B

Final Critique for Event Website

Alright, ladies and gents...the day has finally come. Our event website is due today. I haven't been critiqued yet, but I will be coming up soon.

This is what my final site looks like:

It's a breathe of fresh air compared to my all black site, huh?
And guess what? It's responsive!

First Critique at Millersville University:

Here are comments made by everyone during the critique:
  • Appreciate background change
  • Font needs to be the same size
  • The navigation bar needs to be bigger
  • The body needs to have more of a "glowing" feel like the banners
  • The banner pictures need to be smaller
  • The date should just be on the homepage, on the banner
  • Make sure the footer works across browsers
  • If you have to add a transparent bar to an image in order to see the text, it is probably not a good image and you need to find a new image or make it work possibly without the transparent bar
  • Focus more on typography and structure of the website
  • Appreciate working on all of the pages
  • Being a good sport

Monday, March 6, 2017

Week 7A

Today was the final day to work in class before our website is due. We had to have two other classmates that didn't sit in our row critique our site. The two classmates that critiqued my website were:

  1. Leah S.
  2. Gabi M.
They said:
  • They liked the font choices, the footer, and the banners
  • I should use a texture on the background so it's not just all black
  • Make some pictures bigger
  • Make information font size larger (14 pt. or 16 pt.)
This is how my site is coming along:

I decided to take the advice of Professor Pannafino and put the date right under the banner on each page, so the visitor doesn't forget the date and time of the event if they would like to attend.

And check out my footer:

Can also use photos from here:

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Week 6B - I found this cool pen on CodePen that will make the text glow like a firefly. I'm going to try and make my navigation light up like this.

Here is how my website is coming along: