Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Week 8B

The Bunny People

For today's class, we were supposed to call one of the nonprofit organizations we chose. I chose The Bunny People in Harrisburg, PA. I tried calling them to no answer, but I did shoot them an email. I remember visiting The Bunny People last year because I thought it was a place where you could just adopt bunnies. Turns out, you have to schedule an appointment. They have a lot of bunnies. What I did not know until now was that they are rescue rabbits.

Here are some screenshots of their website + other sites:


So yeah...both sites need major help, and the last link is their Facebook page, which they keep updated. Luckily for me, I gathered some inspiration for a possible redo:

1) Site Inspo from WIX:

Site Inspo from 

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