Monday, March 6, 2017

Week 7A

Today was the final day to work in class before our website is due. We had to have two other classmates that didn't sit in our row critique our site. The two classmates that critiqued my website were:

  1. Leah S.
  2. Gabi M.
They said:
  • They liked the font choices, the footer, and the banners
  • I should use a texture on the background so it's not just all black
  • Make some pictures bigger
  • Make information font size larger (14 pt. or 16 pt.)
This is how my site is coming along:

I decided to take the advice of Professor Pannafino and put the date right under the banner on each page, so the visitor doesn't forget the date and time of the event if they would like to attend.

And check out my footer:

Can also use photos from here:

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